Autumn song

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Still waiting....

All plumbers, electricians, and repair men

work on one schedule and one schedule only!


Last week I had garbage disposal problems. So I called the plumber, as DH tried to fix it himself. The plumber came some what on time, fixed the disposal, but did not have parts for leakey facet. So he called office to find out the part needed to be ordered.

Monday got the call the part was in. I and the receptionst set time for plumber to be here (today at 8 am).

And the rest is history....

I'm still waiting.

So begins my day of cancelations or being late to appointments.

At nine I had to call my trainer and cancel my 10 am time with him.

I'm still waiting.

Wonder if I'll make it to my 1 pm appointment????


imquilternity said...

Sooooo true! It's been my experience too and so the needed repairs in my home go undone. Good luck!

Quilting Memories said...

My guess it won't happen today!!!!
Sorry, but that is the way most of those guys work. Their time is LATE, period.
Get busy quilting and he will show up, I guarantee it!!!

Mrs. Goodneedle said...

Are you still waiting?