Autumn song

Monday, November 5, 2007


Mother, Aunt Emma & Aunt Arlene
Today is the first anniversary of the passing of my beloved Mother. Oh now I miss her. She was a transplanted Yankee, who became a true Southern Lady and tar heel (She loved walking around bare foot in the house).
Last night I and my daughter attended Augsburg Lutheran Church for the All Saints Service. The music was beautiful as was the warm welcome I always receive there. Thanks for including Mother during the service.


Mrs. Goodneedle said...

I am sorry for your loss. May God continue to strengthen, support and sustain you with His great love as your heart heals and your precious memories crowd out the pain. I am glad you found comfort in the service.

Mrs. Goodneedle said...

Please, please give Anna a hug from me when you see her... we miss her very much!

Bonnie K. Hunter said...

I came searching for an email address to reply to your comment on my blog and I read your post about your mother. All Saint's services were special to me this year as I lost two friends to cancer. I also found comfort in the services. I sing in the choir. That helps too!

I look forward to my move to the W-S area! So much to discover, and I am glad to know there is a Bernina dealer there. My Bernina needs some servicing, and I wondered how far I'd have to drive it if there wasn't one there!
