Autumn song

Thursday, November 1, 2007

The Hunter is home!

The hubby got home early Tuesday evening from his great hunting adventure at the Tubbleweed Lodge in South Dakota. He and his brother left Tuesday morning about 6am to drive to the nearest airport to drop off the rental car and board the first of 3 airplanes. Thirteen hours later they were home. Tried, tried, oh so tried by the time he reached home.

The above picture shows all the birds the 10 hunters shot during one days hunt. One of the guides is holding on to the Lodges pet Great Dane (Deacon better known as Deacs)who thinks he's a lap dog! Fun was had by all and reservations are on the book for next years hunt.


Mrs. Goodneedle said...

I, for one, am relieved to know that there were no pheasants left in the sky... Seriously, do they eat these?

Mrs. Goodneedle said...

I think we'll beat 'ya in the rehearsal party contest. (May '08) Gee, I didn't even know it was a competition.