Autumn song

Monday, November 17, 2008

It's been a busy two weeks!

I can't believe it has been two weeks since I last posted! The past two weeks have been busy ones. Since posting last, I have worked three days, been to the Boone shop for a OESD Embroidery program, taught one serger class, attended the two Quilting Guild November meetings, gone to the gym, sewn on a few UFO's, and been to the Capitol City for the NC State and Wake Forest football this past Saturday.
(And other household duties and appointments!)
One of my husbands good friends, invited us to tailgate with him and his family on Saturday in Raleigh for the
Wake Forest & NC State football game.
So, we loaded the truck with the kids and headed to Wolfpack country.
The weather and final out come of the game (Wake lost) could have been better, but the fellowship was well worth the trip to the Capitol City.

The Kernersville Heart of the Triad Quilting Guild , for those who are interested, are doing a Mystery Quilt called "Durango". Having never done a mystery quilt before, I decided to participate.
I had to choose 4 fabrics.
Main (floral),background(gold) and two accents (pink & green).

I have completed the first two parts of the challenge. Here are the beginning pieces and parts. Can't wait to see what and how this is going to go together!

1 comment:

Quilting Memories said...

You are one busy lady! I love your fabric choices....I'm sure the quilt will be beautiful, can't wait to see the finished quilt.