Autumn song

Sunday, September 21, 2008

A Time to Rest......

Yes, it is time to sit back rest & relax. The wedding is behind us, and the newly weds are on their honeymoon.
Mr & Mrs Adam B. Riggs
Just a few pictures of the wedding activities.
The happy couple with friends at the Rehearsal party.
(The milk bottles used as the center pieces are from my Uncle Thomas and Aunt Mary Carmen dairy farm.)
Adam & Marideth attended college rivals.
Adam - WCU & Marideth - App state.
(They will play the Battle of the Old Mountain Jug each fall as their schools play the final football game of the the season.)

It is time to really begin to close and


Monday, September 15, 2008

Time is quickly running out....

This time next week, my sons wedding will be a thing of the past. I and the mother of the bride have spend the better part of last evening working on the sitting chart for the reception. It is a job not for the faint of heart. We did as of this morning realize two more tables are a must in order to get everyone in their right places. Keeping the bride & the groom happy are at this time,
is getting hard to do.
I have finally caught up with the block of the month for the past two months. And it's a good thing number 11 is given out tomorrow. Of course this is a picture of the shops #10 block.
Hope this time next week I'll be back on track
for "Me" time to sew.
I'm off to fine fabric for the 2 extra tables cloths we need.
Have a good week.